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User offline. Last seen 14 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 09/04/2010

Hi, not sure if i'm on the right forum, but here goes! Me and a couple of mates want to start doing hillclimbs and sprints, we have a "razor nose" karman ghia fibre glass shell and are currently making an aluminium chassis to fit. We have an aprilla rsv 1000cc engine to go in, but dont know what diff to put in, (we may be going with twin engines later) any suggestions on type/make of diff to install, and any other tips on how to get started!!!!!!!!

Joined: 03/07/2009
Popular options are the

Popular options are the Sierra and Freelander - just depends what your chassis is built to accept. Keeping it as standard as possible is a good plan so spares car be sourced easily. Also make sure whatever diff you choose has a ready supply of CWP ratios as bike engines typically need funny ones.

Internally, Quaife do ATBs, TranX do the plate type, both perform well.

Be sure to triangulate/brace the diff mounts as well, as typically a weak point in many chassis when launching hard.

User offline. Last seen 13 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 11/07/2011

hi all in need sum help im doing my first kit car and im lost with the diff and axel im going to run a busa turbo enging can any one point me in the right way